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1300 003 456


OHS Management Policy

Management Policy

Occupational, Health & Safety Policy

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd operates in the fields of security, facilities, pest, civil and traffic management and specialises in the delivery of innovative and customised solutions, including resources and service delivery support, which by its nature involves occupational health and safety risks that need to be managed for the safe delivery of our goods and services.

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd has introduced our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) providing a systematic and documented approach to the planning and implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures to ensure that our workplaces, work practices, employees’ awareness and training meet Australian legislation, standards, industry codes and community expectations commensurate with our operations.

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd’s commitment and objectives are to ensure:

  • The establishment, documentation, implementation and maintenance of the criteria and methods required for the effective operation and control of our health and safety processes
  • A healthy and safe work environment is provided for our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers, visitors and other interested parties through our safe methods of work
  • Information, instruction and supervision is provided to all those attending our workplace to ensure their health and safety, awareness and responsibility
  • Support and assistance is provided to our employees
  • First Aid and emergency response is provided
  • The community is not exposed to the risk of illness or injury through our actions
  • The continuous monitoring of and improvement to our OHS systems and performance and the elimination of work-related illness and injury through predetermined and auditable objectives and targets
  • Compliance with legislative requirements, ISO45001:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and other requirements placed upon it or to which it subscribes.

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd Management is responsible and accountable for:

  • The active involvement in the development, promotion and implementation of this OHS Policy and our OHSMS procedures
  • The provision and maintenance of our workplaces in a healthy, safe and secure condition
  • Ensuring our employees are trained in the safe performance of their assigned tasks
  • The provision of resources to meet our health and safety commitment

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd employees are responsible and accountable for:

  • Their personal commitment to the health and safety of themselves and their fellow workers
  • The implementation of our OHS Policy and OHSMS procedures
  • Proactively responding to and reporting OHS issues, risks, accidents and incidents.

Allied Integrated Management Group Pty Ltd provides open consultation and communication between our management and employees.

This OHS Policy is communicated to all employees via our office and site inductions and notice boards, Project Management Plans Incorporating Safe Work Method Statements and regular toolbox and prestart meetings; it is available to all interested parties and is communicated to our suppliers and subcontractors through our procurement process and site management procedures.

This OHS Policy and OHSMS procedures will be reviewed annually for suitability, adequacy and effectiveness and when required by changes in legislation, standards, industry codes or company operations.


Amer Awad
Chief Executive Officer
Allied Integrated Management


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